BIOS Settings | EON800

The EON800 Tether Ground Station (TGS) BIOS Menu enables users to modify system parameters, settings, configurations and modes.

The information stored in the BIOS is crucial. Exercise caution when making changes, as mistakes may lead to unexpected system behaviour.

BIOS Settings Explained

  • Users can save BIOS settings as profiles (configuration files) onto an SD Card inserted into the TGS. Each modified profile requires a dedicated SD Card. If you want to switch between multiple profiles, you will need multiple SD Cards. For the best results, use a Class 10 U3 full-size SD Card that has a minimum capacity of 16GB.

  • If you are flying and controlling the UAS with a HOTAS, Joystick, or computer, it is advisable to disable 'Telem Logging' due to temporary lapses in the MAVLink stream.

  • Additionally, when 'Drone Supply Mode' is set to 'Disabled,' the system bypasses pre-operational flight checks and warnings. Disable this mode when supplying power exclusively to a payload and without requiring tethered power to a Drone or Vehicle. Note: 'Drone Supply Mode' is enabled by default in the factory settings.

How to Enter the EON800 BIOS:

  1. To access the BIOS, power ON the Tether Ground Station.

  2. While the EON800 logo is visible on the LCD, simultaneously PRESS and HOLD the Left and Right Nav Buttons.

How to Navigate the BIOS Pages:

To navigate the BIOS menus or options from on the Tether Ground Station LCD, use the navigation buttons. The Left Nav Button, Middle Select Button, and Right Nav Button are located beneath the TGS LCD. Text Highlighted Orange indicates the setting selected.

  1. PRESS the Right Nav Button to move down the page or swipe right between menus.

  2. PRESS the Left Nav Button to move up the page or swipe left between menus.

  3. PRESS the Middle Select Button to select a menu or make a selection from the BIOS lists.

How to Modify a BIOS setting:

  1. To modify a BIOS setting, highlight a value using the Nav Buttons and PRESS the Select Button to confirm the new setting.

BIOS Settings | General

Page 1: BIOS – General

Exit Without Saving

This setting will exit the BIOS without saving any modifications that have been made.

Select Exit Without Saving if you've mistakenly altered a parameter and can't recall the original value. Selecting this will discard any changes, and the system will reboot with the same settings as the last boot

Enable Override Mode

This action will exit BIOS without saving any modifications and then launch the EON800 system into Override Mode.

Use Override Mode exclusively with XM2 manufacturer assistance. This mode is inherently dangerous, as it bypasses all safety checks with 800V active, and must never be activated without direct supervision from the manufacturer.

Save and Reboot

This action saves any BIOS setting changes to the TGS internal memory, and initiates a system restart. After bootup, the modified BIOS setting will be enabled.

Save and Reboot only saves the BIOS settings to the internal memory and not the SD Card. If you require a backup of the modified BIOS settings, use the Save SD Card Config function.

Save SD Card Config

This function saves the current BIOS settings to both the internal TGS memory and the external SD Card memory. You would primarily use the Save SD Card Config function when you want to save a back up of the modified BIOS settings to an SD card. To proceed after selecting Save SD Card Config, you must reboot the TGS.

Selecting 'Save SD Card Config' backs up the current BIOS settings into a configuration file (profile) on the SD Card. This function will overwrite any previous BIOS settings saved to the SD Card. The TGS can only recognise and read one configuration file (profile) per SD Card.

Alternating between multiple profiles requires multiple SD Cards.

Load SD Card Config

If you've previously modified and saved the BIOS settings using the Save SD Card Config function, the last saved configurations are stored on the external memory as a Profile (configuration file). Loading the SD Card Config replaces the current BIOS settings in the Tether Ground Station's with the profile saved on the SD Card.

Use Load SD Card Config when you have a specific configuration file (profile) stored on the SD Card and want to apply those settings to the system. This feature is also useful if you have accidentally changed any settings and wish to restore the TGS to a previously saved profile.

Page 2: BIOS – General

Telem Logging

Enables or disables telemetry logging throughout the EON800 System (Drone, APU, and TGS). If Telemetry Logging is enabled, telemetry data will be logged to the SD Card. The EON800 relies on telemetry logging within the tether system to capture data. This data is both for the user to make educated decisions while flying to ensures efficient issue resolution and also for any support from XM2. Disabling Telem Logging may limit XM2's ability to assist, as incident records won't be available.

Ensure an SD Card is inserted in the Tether Ground Station for telemetry logging to occur.

The EON800 relies on telemetry logging in both the tether system and aircraft to capture flight parameters. Enabling or disabling this setting determines whether MAVLink telemetry is transferred from the drone to the connected APU and then tethered down the fiber into the TGS. MAVLink Telem is usually only disabled for users tethering a custom UAS without a MAVLink-based flight controller. By disabling this feature, you prevent the EON800 System and the pilot from accessing and reading MAVLink flight telemetry data.

MAVLink Telemetry is pre-enabled at the factory by default. This is done to encourage users to access crucial aircraft flight information via MAVLink telemetry for enhanced safety awareness.


The Buzzer setting allows you to enable or disable the onboard buzzer alarm. The buzzer alarm produces an audible alert from the TGS, providing warning signals and indicating critical errors in the system.


The name of the current loaded BIOS profile. The current BIOS profile has been loaded from the SD Card Configuration stored on the EON800 SD Card.

Tradeshow Mode

Tradeshow Mode on the Tether Ground Station (TGS) enables users to conduct safe product demonstrations, showcasing the TGS capabilities in a controlled and user-friendly manner. As with all mode changes, the BIOS settings must be saved and the system restarted after enabling this setting.

The device is designed with universal voltage compatibility, supporting a power supply in the range of 110-240V when presenting the Tether Ground Station in Tradeshow Mode.

Tradeshow Mode will not operate when connected to an active APU and/or drone. The HV is also disabled, as this mode is specifically designed for demonstration purposes.

Page 3: BIOS – Tether Ground Station (TGS)

Firmware VersionFlight TimeUp Time

This displays the current firmware version of the TGS.

This displays how long the TGS has been active during flight.

This displays the total time the TGS has been turned on.

Boot CountWarning CodesCritical Errors

This shows how many times the TGS has been turned on.

This shows a code in hexadecimal format (bitmask) that indicates the warnings that the TGS has encountered.

This shows a code in hexadecimal format (bitmask) that indicates the critical errors that the TGS has encountered.

Page 4: BIOS – Air Power Unit (APU)

  1. PWM Failsafes: This section displays the 3 different failsafe options available for the APU PWM output.

  2. Connection Loss: This value enables and disables the APU PWM output to cause a failsafe when the connection has been lost to the ground station that requested a certain PWM output.

  3. HV Shutdown: This value enables and disables the APU PWM output to cause a failsafe when the HV is turned off.

  4. Return/Land: This value enables and disables the APU PWM output to cause a failsafe when the connected drone reports that it is in either Land or RTL flight mode.

  5. Firmware Version: This displays the current firmware version of the APU.

Page 5: BIOS – Reset Settings

  1. Reset Config: This action will reset the config settings in the BIOS to their default values.

  2. Reset Warning Codes: This will reset the warning code bitmask on the TGS.

  3. Reset Critical Errors: This will reset the critical error code bitmask on the TGS.

  4. Clear SD Card: This will manually clear all the files on the SD card.

Last updated